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Puzzle games Puzzle gamesJeu Power link

Power link

About "Power link" :
Power link is an electrifying puzzle game that challenges players to connect circuits and light up bulbs using limited moves. set in a futuristic neon world, players must strategically connect energy sources to light up all the bulbs on each level. with increasingly complex puzzles, power link offers hours of brain-teasing fun, testing your logic and problem-solving skills.

Objective: connect all the plugs to the extensions using the available moves to light them up. controls: tap and drag to connect the plugs and extensions. ensure all extensions are connected before running out of moves.
How to play "Power link" ?
Objective: connect all the plugs to the extensions using the available moves to light them up. controls: tap and drag to connect the plugs and extensions. ensure all extensions are connected before running out of moves.

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