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Footy frenzy

About "Footy frenzy" :
Step onto the pitch with footy frenzy, the ultimate football gaming experience that brings the excitement of the beautiful game to your fingertips! dive into fast-paced matches, strategize your plays, and score stunning goals. whether youre playing solo, competing against friends, or taking on opponents from around the world, footy frenzy offers immersive gameplay, realistic graphics, and smooth controls that will keep you on the edge of your seat. get ready to experience the frenzy of football like never before!

Desktop: press the left button of the mouse to move up and down. mobile: click the up and down button to move caharcter.
How to play "Footy frenzy" ?
Desktop: press the left button of the mouse to move up and down. mobile: click the up and down button to move caharcter.

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