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Jeu Homecoming Parade Prep

Homecoming Parade Prep

About "Homecoming Parade Prep" :
It's official! Tonight you'll be attending the homecoming parade. You are so excited about this event that you just can't wait to go. You know this is your opportunity to look truly glamorous and beautiful. At the homecoming parade will be attending all of your colleagues and therefore you can't just go without prior thorough preparation. Your preparation will begin by spoiling yourself with a luxurious facial treatment in which you will be using the best products that are available on the market. Cleansers, masks and moisturizers will make your skin look radiant and glowy for the homecoming parade. After you have treated yourself with this luxurious facial treatment, you can get to my personal favorite part. You get to choose a glamorous dress for you to wear at the homecoming parade. When you have finished this clothes selection part, you can even change your hairstyle and color as you wish. Furthermore, your makeup choice must be made taking into account your facial features, so that your whole face opens up and looks radiant. You know that no outfit is complete without some sparkling, glamorous accessories. Have fun at the homecoming parade, and don't forget that you look astonishing!

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